Friday, August 24, 2007

100th post - as a sick man

yipee, i have just taken my medicine. Before i go to sleep, just a short post.

Wednesday night lecture - GEK1531 Cybercrime


Carl's Jr Vivo

my flu just refused to go away. On tuesday my nose was running all day, luckily i pulled myself to do all the routine stuff on that day itself. Then on wednesday, the flu caused a sore throat, which caused my tension headache to visit me. By the time GEK1531 ended, i lost all my appetite for food. Even standing straight is a problem... Zhangwei should know.

on thursday, the symptoms kinda remained with an extra member - itchy cough! I decided, just spend some money to see a doctor. After a really looooong wait, he told me my immunity is low, thus he suggested Vit C tablets. Fine, just take it and poof off.

however i hate taking medicine, unless i have to. CS3214 is taking its tolls on me, so the medicine is a must so i can keep that module (and the rest) in good momentum. However i shall try to step up my immunity the natural way... by exercising.

5 medicine, 2 of them drowsy. OMG...

also wrote a long email to team members explaining my lethargy during the past few days. Administrative matters can kill...

this is also my 100th post, sadly feeling unwell now.

to those who are expecting me to turn up for AHM this sunday.... i'm sorry i might have to be a pilot (guessed you know what meanng). I cannot risk it by running 21km under a persistent flu, then suffer downtime for a few more days, and thus throwing my 8 credits CS3214 into the sea. It's simply suicide both ways - my life and studies. My CAP is too low to take up nasty surprises now...

good night peeps.

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