Friday, February 11, 2011

class 95 morning express

sometimes it's good to wake up early and join the rush hour drive to whichever customer in my schedule. Otherwise i wouldn't turn on the radio.

what FD and Glenn said seemed funny but were somewhat true and more importantly, made sense. These are roughly what they said, but not exactly word-by-word

"girls always think they can change their men. Then 5 years down the road, they realise they couldn't get married with that guy because it finally seemed impossible."

"sometimes the man actually changes, the girl regretted it."

i think the best is not to harbour expectations. But some of us are little perfectionists and tend to micro-manage things. I hope myself and friends around me would not turn a relationship into a doctor-patient problem. If there's things to remedy all the time, something is extremely wrong.

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